Sunday, 25 September 2011

Video highlights of "Building a Healthy Community: The Essential Ingredients"

View highlights from Brian O'Connor's "Building a Healthy Community" presentation at our opening evening event.

Please make plans to attend our next evening "Creating the Community Living Room", October 26, 7:30PM with Paula Carr.  Internationally recognized for her community building,  Paula will reveal the ideas and steps that create a "community living room" that strengthen neighbourhood health, well-being and social capital.

All events take place 7:30PM
Capilano Rugby Clubhouse
Klahanie Park, West Vancouver
Snacks and refreshments provided, as well as a cash bar for your enjoyment

Here are some comments from the audience at our Sept 21 event.
  • "Thanks for a wonderful and inspiring evening...very professional and yet at the same time informal and comfortable."
  • "We've had great feedback on your event.  Well done!"
  • "Great job last night.  Looking forward to the next one"
  • "Oh, that was so, so good!"
See the previous post (below) for more details of the CGA's "Building a Better Community" series.


Anonymous said...

I was lucky to find this website. You definitely can write and teach and inspire. Keep writing - I'll keep reading.

Anonymous said...

What I wouldnt give to have a debate with you about this. You just say so many things that arrive from nowhere that Im fairly certain Id have a fair shot. Your blog is wonderful visually, I mean people wont be bored. But others who can see past the videos and the layout wont be so impressed together with your generic understanding of this subject.

Anonymous said...

Well said. I never thought I would agree with this opinion, but it seems that I’m starting to see things from a different point of view. I have to analyse more on this as it looks very interesting. One thing I don’t understand though is how everything is related together.

Jamie Billingham said...

Thanks so much for posting this. Great timing with BC municipal elections in full swing. I know in my community the issues are housing, transportation and creating a healthy and abundant community.