"The Bench" - a place to talk

OEvery real community needs a place to meet, a place that is owned by no one, but used by everyone.  The park bench in Belle Isle Park came about out of the joint effort of DNV Parks and local residents. 
Our bench was a starting point, a symbol and metaphor for the desire and need of  the community for connection and interaction.  "The Bench" page of the CGA blog site maintains this metaphor between the physical reality of the park bench and the virtual "bench" of the electronic neighbourhood.  Come and sit, talk.

"The Bench" page of the CGA blogsite is meant to be an ongoing digest (and digestion) of conversation topics and comments from the Belle Isle bench.  Come to the bench for a talk, to let off steam, or exchange a greeting.   Feel like cooking?  You too can arrange for a "Bench" session.  We welcome your input.
                                                The next bench session will be:
Check back to see the date and time for the next "Bench" session
Brief reports from previous sessions follow below

July 23, 2011
A sunny but windswept day brought 8 members of the community for tea, blueberries and brie. A focus on the proposed Big Bench Sessions, what ideas needed to be developed and who might best be invited to address these identified issues. As always, as much laughter and recipes were exchanged as ideas.

July 5, 2011 
The greater efforts of the CGA Executive board are currently devoted to laying the groundwork for the "Big Bench Sessions" beginning September 21.  The central theme of "Building a Healthy Community" will see a variety of health and community professionals address the community in the ingredients required to build a vibrant and socially interactive community.  From this point of view the sessions will explore the practical elements of implementation that can be achieved through redevelopment of the commercial and vacant lands within our community and the overall policy goals of the recently adopted 2030 Official Community Plan.

Report for Saturday May 14th, 'Savoury Snacks & Saucy Talk"
Despite the overcast a good crowd drifted in and out over the period of the late afternoon, some with platters, others equipped with a pithy epistle and a will to share.  The initial presentations from Mike Riley and Jai Jadhav provided the initial spark for workshopping OCP Presentation Hearings submissions among various members. 

It was recognized that there was still a scarcity of exclamation points available locally due to the indiscriminate overuse  over the part 6 months by those opposed to the OCP or any change of  land use in the community.  Members agreed that presentations would have to rely on fact and well-founded reasoning in place of the ease and convenience of punctuation to achieve their desired outcomes.
Go to the "Photo Gallery" page to see an image from the day's gathering

Report for Sunday Apr. 17 session
Topic:  What If We Do Nothing; Lessons from Lower Lynn
Many of the conditions that the Lower Lynn faced some years ago parallel those of our community:  uncertainty and lack of redevelopment of aging homes and businesses and few local amenities to attract new residents.  Residents there experienced a long period of decling livability combined with below market housing values.  Ultimately, faced with further steady general decline  they elected to sell to allow a major area renewal.  Recently a member of the DNV Council commented that without renewal our community faced the same prospects, albeit in ten years time.  Lets look at the challenges and discuss what steps are needed to prevent the same situation for our community.

3 dogs and 21 people took part in the session with very welcome contributions of homemade cookies (Josie) and fruit platter (Bernice).  Discussion ranged from the reasons for cancellation of the Infill Housing program, to views concerning the overall implementation of the Lower Capilano Conceptual Plan.

Report for Sat. Apr. 9 session
An encouraging event despite the spring chill.  Discussions ranged from tips on long range bicycling to Mike Riley's fail-proof recipes for bread.  The absence of Len and Bernice Carmichael was tempered by the knowledge that they were celebrating their 59th(!) wedding anniversary at Harrison Hot Springs.
Suggestions are for additional and expanding sessions, including barbeque and the temporary importation of rugs, side chairs and a floor lamp - we need a "community living room". 


Ian B. Carmichael said...

Thanks Doug

You have a real nice way of putting in words what others are thinking. The idea is wonderful and I look forward to seeing everyone there.


Bill Tracey said...

Hi Doug,
Congratulations on running this interesting site. I've just become aware of it, and have been reading through it.
In your "This is what we're talking about" letter of Nov 22, 2011,to a Woodcroft resident you mention land costs of $15-20 million for the Larco site. I believe that must be based on the site being re-zoned. At present it is zoned "recreational" or "recreational/commercial" and the District has shown no inclination to re-zone it (which is a position which I personally approve because it is the last such site available in the west side of the District). As a recreational site its value would be much lower, and possibly within reach for the North Van Rec Commission.