Friday, 18 February 2011

Invitation: PICS SFU UBC Free Public Lecture: Sustainable Systems as if People Mattered, February 24, 2011, SFU Wosk Centre for Dialogue at 7pm

Invitation: Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS), SFU & UBC Free Public Lecture

Lecture #5: Sustainable Systems as if People Mattered

Changing behavior—especially the ways we use energy and water—is an essential part of any climate solution. Yet, our urban systems often preclude people from understanding and controlling them to improve efficiency. Dr. Stephen Sheppard from UBC, and Dr. Lyn Bartram and Dr. Woodbury from SFU come together to present two multi-university research projects—the Greenest City Conversations Project and Human-Centred Systems for Sustainable Living. These projects explore the interaction of technology and people, at both individual household and community scales, in making better decisions on energy and resource use. Free registration for this event is encouraged, but not required. Register online at

Dr. Sheppard is a Professor in the Faculty of Forestry and Landscape Architecture, UBC, and Director for the Collaborative for Advanced Landscape Planning at UBC.

Dr. Bartram is an Assistant Professor in the School of Interactive Art and Technology at SFU, where she is a cofounder and Director of the Humans, Visualization & Interfaces Lab.

Dr. Woodbury is a Professor in the School of Interactive Arts and Technology at SFU, and Director, Art and Design Practice of the Games, Animation and New Media Network in Canada.

Date:               Thursday, February 24, 2011, 7pm - 9pm

Location:         Room 420, SFU Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue, 580 West Hastings Street, Vancouver



We hope that you can make it, either in person or by accessing our webcast.

 Sustainable Systems as if People Mattered - Free Lecture

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