Who is that person who takes such care with their garden?
What inspired that great transformation of that home?
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Email us capgatewayassoc@gmail.com if you would like to introduce yourself to the community.
Rudy Voser, Belle Isle Place
Luckily, Rudy loves to cook and brings his Swiss-born exacting fastidiousness to his chef duties!
Kim Belcher, Glenaire Drive
"I'm always the photographer at my family events!"
Kim Belcher, Glenaire Drive
"I'm always the photographer at my family events!"
Mike & Josie Riley 1865 Glenaire Drive
"I was born in Birmingham, Josie was born Ilford, a London suburb.We were both evacuated during the London "blitz"and we both have memories of the tail end of the war when we returned to London -chasing shrapnel, seeing the buzz bombs pass over, walking to school and finding a block of houses gone overnight. She married the "boy next door" on April 1st /1961 - how's that for an April Fools prank?I make wine, like windsurfing, archery, chess, table tennis, snooker, enjoy playing bridge and poker but have not done so for years. Josie loves cooking knitting, needlework. She is a pancreatic cancer survivor of ten years. We read a lot...mostly light fiction. We enjoy camping,
We landed in Montreal on Jan 3rd 1965 with 2 kids and $500. We couldn't believe how cold it was, and how the snow settled on the main road and didn't melt, how the sky was so blue, almost black in the Laurentians. It was so easy, and cheap, to find and rent a beautiful apartment, compared to London. We found it really neat that your average 5year old in Montreal was bilingual, and shook our head sadly over the English rednecks raised in Quebec, who claimed that they had "tried to learn French but couldn't" and "didn't what to read French on their cornflake packages.
Our first house, in Hemmingford, Quebec, started out as a chicken barn It cost $6,300!"
Aug 2011
Mat "Mat from Manitoba" Aiston - the Guerilla Gardener of Klahanie Court
No one asked Mat to begin beautifying the walkway along the Lions Gate / Klahanie loop, nor does anyone pay him for doing so. Mat loves gardening and everyone walking along the Klahanie walkway benefits from Mat's love of plants and his eclectic styling of pottery, found objects and gnomes. He has transported over 10 tons of rock and stone in a wheelbarrow to build the beds framing his floral arrangements.
Aug 2011