Monday, 6 August 2012

Two perspectives on the Village Centre

Over the past week the North Shore News ran two articles framed within the redevelopment of the former Capwest site and creation of the Village Centre.

In the first article the reporter relied upon comments from a single source and none from those residents most directly impacted by the vacant lots, decline of neighbourhood and lack of local amenities.

Significantly, comments within the first article fail to recognize the critical fact that facilities such as local community centres - as well as other amenities - are only going to be provided through Community Amenity Contributions (CACs) obtained through redevelopment and developers.  The DNV does not have the financial means to provide these local amenities without imposing higher taxes across the DNV. 

Previously many residents in other areas rejected these same CAC options for their community during the planning of the Marine Drive corridor and will now have a difficulty in obtaining the needed community benefits without a radical readjustment of their thinking about what constitutes a viable and realistic vision for the future for their neighbourhood.

As noted in the second article, clarifying many aspects of the engagement by the Capiloano Gateway community in the planning and process, "There are things to be done. We've taken a realistic approach to things, and we've galvanized the neighbourhood to be something other than the Land of 'No.'"

Read more:  August 3, North Shore News     "Neighbours laud Cap overhaul"

                     July 29th North Shore News     "Developer Floats Lower Cap revamp"